Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

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Inter-Corporate Extended Library
History of enhancements

2002-Aug-14 v1.08a:  Web site updates

Corrected parameter data types in the documentation for ICE_FindCmd().

Corrected a parameter data type in the documentation for ICE_MeasureString().

2002-Aug-02 v1.08a:  NLM filename change and web site updates

The name of this NLM has been changed from ICELIB.NLM to ICELIB0.NLM in order to avoid an NLM naming conflict with a module that describes itself as "IceWM Dynamic Library" -- the NetWare loader requires that each NLM has a unique name, and will not load two different modules with the same name in the same address space.

In an effort to provide everyone who uses ICELIB0.NLM (formerly ICELIB.NLM) with a feeling of assurance, we recently checked our records, and also confirmed with Novell, that our registered public symbol prefix ICE_ will never be in conflict with anything else and that nothing else will ever be in conflict with it.

Please download and use ICELIB0.NLM v1.08a and ICELIB0.IMP v1.08a, which are identical to v1.08 with the exception of the needed changes to internal and external filenames, and internal version numbers.

Online documentation was also updated to reflect this new NLM filename.

2002-Jul-31 v1.08:  Web site updates

Corrected some minor punctuation errors in the documentation for ICE_QueryDNS().

Added an example in Note 8 in ICE_QueryDNS() to make the representation of eMail addresses in hostname fields easier to understand.

2001-Feb-04 v1.08:  New function, function updates, and web site updates

Added ICE_Convert32bitIPtoRegs()

*** Beta testing *** ICE_SockServer() now accepts 32-bit IP addresses for the listener's IP.  Previously it would only accept a pointer to an ASCIIZ string containing an IP address.

Modifications and minor corrections to various parts of the documentation.

2000-Dec-10 v1.07d:  Function updates

ICE_QueryDNS() was expecting multiple lines of text from TXT queries and setting up an array of 32-bit pointers to ASCIIZ strings, but TXT records only store one line of text per record -- corrected so that now only a single ASCIIZ string is returned instead of an arary of 32-bit pointers.

*** Removed "beta testing function" *** ICE_SockReadLine()
*** Beta testing *** Undocumented function ICE_RingSockClose()
*** Beta testing *** Undocumented function ICE_RingSockOpen()
*** Beta testing *** Undocumented function ICE_RingSockRead()

2000-Sep-19 v1.07c:  Function update

*** Beta testing *** ICE_SockReadLine() now includes support for interfacing both DOS and Unix-style systems by providing a flag (option) to ignore Carriage Returns (ASCII 13).

2000-Aug-21 v1.07b:  Function updates

ICE_ParseCmdLine() would cause an ABEND on rare occasions when a colon was the last character in the source string.  Logic has been improved to resolve this problem.

2000-Aug-16 v1.07a:  Minor NLM file update

Internal version checking functions were correctly reporting v1.07, but NetWare was reporting v1.06 at load time -- this is a linker option which has been corrected in order to eliminate possible confusion for developers and network administrators.  Due to the version numbering rules we've elected to use, ICELIB.NLM has now been promoted to v1.07a, despite the fact that no other changes have been made to the code.

2000-Aug-07 v1.07:  Function updates

ICE_FindCmd() would cause an ABEND if a NULL pointer was provided.  From now on, NULL pointers result in a return code of -1.

ICE_ParseCmdLine() has a new flag that enables colons (":") to be treated like spaces, but without omitting the colon.

2000-Aug-06 v1.06:  Function update

ICE_ParseCmdLine() has a new flag that leaves the second through last elements delimited with spaces instead of NULLs so the remaining elements can be handled as a single string.

2000-Jul-31 v1.05a:  Function update

ICE_FindCmd() no longer modifies the original command string.  Related API documentation has been updated.

2000-Jul-30 v1.05:  New functions and web site updates

*** Beta testing *** Added ICE_SockReadLine()
*** Beta testing *** Added ICE_SockServer()

*** Beta testing *** Undocumented function ICE_ReadConfigFile()

History web page (this page) updated to include hyper-text links to listed functions for easier reference.

2000-Jul-03 v1.04:  Function upgrade and web site updates

ICE_QueryDNS() upgraded out of testing status (source code unchanged)
ICE_QueryDNS() documentation updates (many minor improvements, clearity, ...)

2000-May-19 v1.04:  New function

Added ICE_PlaySound()

2000-May-02 v1.03a:  Function update

*** Beta testing *** ICE_QueryDNS() flags have all been implemented.  Please see documentation for changes regarding the "Z" flag, and ensure all undocumented flags or flags "reserved for future use" are set to zero.

2000-Apr-28 v1.03:  New functions

Added ICE_ParseInternetMailAddress()

*** Beta testing *** Added ICE_QueryDNS()

2000-Apr-15 v1.02:  New functions and web site updates

Added ICE_ConvertASCIIToBinary()
Added ICE_ConvertASCIIToDNS()
Added ICE_ConvertBinaryToASCII()

*** Beta testing *** Undocumented function ICE_QueryDNS()

Added "Contributors" listing to web site
Added "Products that use this library" listing to web site

2000-Feb-20 v1.01:  New function and new web page

Added ICE_JoinStrings()

Added "FAQ" (Frequently Answered Questions) to web site

2000-Feb-07 v1.00a:  Function update

ICE_FindCmd() wasn't including the null terminator when comparing strings, and both "helo" and "hellothere" would match "helo" as a result.  Fixed, and now "helothere" and "helo" no longer match.

All functions documented for C and Assembly developers

2000-Feb-01 v1.00:  First public release

Added ICE_DisplayUsageStatistics()

2000-Jan-01 v0.99:  Final test, private beta testing nearly completed

New NLM library, final testing phase, includes the following functions:

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