Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

ICELIB0.NLM   →   ICE_Convert32bitIPtoRegs()


Splits a 32-bit IP address (in network order) into the four common 32-bit CPU registers for easy handling in printf() or other similar functions.
Syntax for C:
void *ICE_Convert32bitIPtoRegs (
  unsigned int 32bitIP,
  unsigned int flags
Syntax for Assembly:
Call ICE_Convert32bitIPtoRegs C, [32bitIP], [flags]
(IN) 32-bit IP address (in network order)
(IN) All undocumented bit flags are considered reserved for future use, and should remain cleared (0) to ensure upward compatibility with newer versions of ICELIB0.NLM.  Currently supported flags are as follows:

No flags present.

EAX = First octet
EBX = Second octet
ECX = Third octet
EDX = Fourth octet
The printf() function does not have the ability to display 8-bit values, and this function provides a simple work-around so that each octet may by displayed as a 32-bit value instead.
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