Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

ICELIB0.NLM   →   ICE_GetLibraryVersion()


Allow developer to ensure Inter-Corporate Library is sufficient for their application's needs.
Syntax for C:
unsigned int ICE_GetLibraryVersion (void);
Syntax for Assembly:
Call ICE_GetLibraryVersion
32-bit version number, as follows:
  • Highest 16 bits represent the major version number (1 through 65535)
  • Next 8 bits represent the minor version number (0 though 99)
  • Final 8 bits represent the remainder (0=blank, 1=a ... 26=z)

  Version "1.02c" would be represented as "00010203" in hexadecimal.
Your application's main() function should check for a minimum version of the library, and produce an error message if an updated version is needed.  Newer versions of ICELIB0.NLM will always be downward compatible.  Changes to the library are always recorded in the history.
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