ICELIB0.NLM → ICE_JoinStrings()
- Description:
- Joins a group of ASCIIZ (NULL terminated) strings, separated by a bridge string.
- Syntax for C:
- void *ICE_JoinStrings (
char *bridge,
unsigned int flags,
char *string1,
char *string2 [, char *string3, ...],
- Syntax for Assembly:
- Call ICE_JoinStrings C, offset Bridge, [Flags], offset String1, offset String2 [, offset String3, ...], 0
- Parameters:
- bridge
- (IN) Points to NULL terminated string that will be used to separate other strings in the joined string. May point to a NULL string if separation isn't needed.
- flags
- (IN) Some rules to be enforced during string joins. All undocumented bit flags are considered reserved for future use, and should remain cleared (0) to ensure upward compatibility with newer versions of ICELIB0.NLM. Currently supported flags are as follows:
1 = Bridge empty strings (by default, the bridge is skipped for strings that are empty/NULL)
- string1 [... string???]
- (IN) Points to NULL terminated string to be joined with other strings. Minimum requirement is two strings.
- (IN) Must be NULL (0).
- Returns:
- Pointer to buffer (created by malloc()) that holds the joined string, if not zero
0 = No buffer created due to memory allocation error or not enough strings
- Remarks:
- There is no limit to the number of strings being joined.
Remember to use NetWare's free() function when you no longer need the string.
- Resource files:
- icelib0.imp
- Minimum library version:
- 1.01