Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

ICELIB0.NLM   →   ICE_MeasureString()


Measures an ASCIIZ (NULL terminated) string without violating memory boundaries.
Syntax for C:
unsigned int ICE_MeasureString (
  char *buffer,
  unsigned int maxSize
Syntax for Assembly:
Call ICE_MeasureString C, offset Buffer, [maxSize]
(IN) Points to the buffer or string to measure.
(IN) Maximum number of bytes to measure, or specify NULL if length is unknown (no memory boundaries are checked, so a memory violation can still occur when NULL is specified and the string is not a null terminated string).
Length of string, not including zero, or -1 if end not found.
This function is most useful when reading blocks of data from a file or a stream.  For example, if the block size is 1024 bytes, and a 1200 byte line of text is read from a file, then the return value of -1 indicates that the line was not read completely.
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