Support → Network support → Windows

The hugely popular Windows OS (Operating System) is used in both business and personal environments, with and without network integration. Along with this popularity come certain challenges, with a wide variety of causes and solutions. We are particularly skillful at solving existing problems and helping to prevent new ones.
Data protection is another important factor that is unfortunately overlooked, and from many angles. These protections come in many different forms, most of which fall into three main categories (with common solutions):
- Privacy (virtual private networking {VPN})
- Replication (regular backups)
- Security (data encryption)
In addition to those three main categories, strong recommendations for the prevention of other serious problems such as hardware failures, virus/SpyWare infections, etc., can range from the installation of specific software (e.g., anti-virus) to the minor improvements of computer use habits.
Why do companies choose Windows?
There are many reasons. The main ones are:
- Many business applications are only available for specific versions of Windows
- Most employees are familiar with Windows prior to hiring (less training is needed)
Whatever your needs are, we will take time to understand them, and implement and maintain new or existing solutions. Our pro-active approach to recommend better solutions means that you're informed of the main aspects of your systems.
See also
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