Products → Freeware → → Frequently Answered Questions
Frequently Answered Questions
A. General information
A.1. Does freeware really mean "free?"
A.2. Why not use the file's date and time to determine the version?
A.1. Does freeware really mean "free?"
Yes. And you may distribute this module with your own free or commercial products, as long as is not modified in any way.
A.2. Why not use the file's date and time to determine the version?
File dates and times are easily changed for a variety of reasons, including bugs in software or design shortcomings with some file transfer protocols, and are therefore totally unreliable.
Since we include the version number in the script itself, which is safe from the aformentioned bugs and design flaws, the system administrator can accurately determine the version number by viewing the source code, or by checking the version number variable.