Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

Products   →   Freeware   →   KBSPEED.NLM   →   Frequently Answered Questions

Frequently Answered Questions

A. General information
    A.1. Does freeware really mean "free?"
    A.2. Why not use the file's date and time to determine the version?

B. Benefits
    B.1. Why speed up the keyboard?
    B.2. Can this utility slow the keyboard down?
    B.3. Does this utility create overhead?

C. Troubleshooting
    C.1. Speed doesn't change in RCONSOLE


A. General information

A.1. Does freeware really mean "free?"

Yes.  And you may distribute this module with your own free or commercial products, as long as KBSPEED.NLM is not modified in any way.

A.2. Why not use the file's date and time to determine the version?

File dates and times are easily changed for a variety of reasons, including bugs in software or design shortcomings with some file transfer protocols, and are therefore totally unreliable.

Since version numbers on NetWare are embedded in the NLM, safe from bugs and design flaws, the network administrator can accurately determine the version number by loading the NLM at the console prompt.


B. Benefits

B.1. Why speed up the keyboard?

Ever need to scroll through a long list of files, loaded modules, or active connections in Novell's MONITOR.NLM?  What about navigating quickly through Novell's EDIT.NLM when editing large text files with really long lines?

By default, the keyboard sets the repeat and delay rates to a conservative speed.  Although these settings are suitable for most people (mainly because they learned to type with this speed), the ability to adjust the speed of the keyboard is desirable to some.

This NLM allows the network administrator to adjust the speed of the keyboard to their liking so they can be more productive while managing the server.

B.2. Can this utility slow the keyboard down?

Yes.  You can adjust the speed of the keyboard to meet your needs.

B.3. Does this utility create overhead?

No.  KBSPEED.NLM automatically unloads and releases all resources once it is finished.

Unlike many DOS TSRs that were designed to speed up the keyboard by intercepting BIOS functions, this utility simply sends speed adjustment commands to the keyboard controller instead.  Once the keyboard controller receives these special commands, KBSPEED.NLM removes itself from memory by unloading.


C. Troubleshooting

C.1. Speed doesn't change in RCONSOLE

Actually, the speed is changing, but only the server's keyboard is effected.

Although RCONSOLE sends keystrokes to the server, it's not actually using the server's keyboard directly.  Instead, the speed of the keyboard connected to the local workstation effects RCONSOLE usage.

To change the speed of the local keyboard, refer to your Operating System documentation for details.  For DOS and/or Windows, refer to the "Mode" command.  For MacOS, refer to the keyboard settings under "Control Panel."

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