KnowledgeBase → nftables needs manual restart after to start network routing
After rebooting Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) there's no networking routing, until manually restarting nftables.Possible solutions:
- AppArmor may be interfering, and if configuration fails then removal requires multiple steps (a reboot is required to completely remove AppArmor's lingering effects):
systemctl stop apparmor
systemctl disable apparmor
systemctl purge apparmor
rebootSome updates or Operating System upgrades may result in AppArmor being re-enabled automatically. You should add a note to your update/upgrade procedures to check for this if not using AppArmor is preferred.
- If UFW (uncomplicated firewall) is installed, it may be conflicting with nftables during boot. In this case, disabling UFW resolves the problem when nftables is the preferred firewall solution:
systemctl stop ufw
systemctl disable ufw
systemctl enable nftables
systemctl restart nftablesRebooting to confirm that this resolves the problem is recommended.
- If one or more network adapters is slow to become active, it may be the case that nftables can't start because the network adapter isn't available. In this case, the solution is to:
- edit the /etc/nftables.conf file
- change iif references for late-to-become-active network adapters to iifname
- change oif references for late-to-become-active network adapters to oifname
This change may result in slightly lower performance in certain scenarios, so it's normally recommended to only use this for network adapaters at are slow to become active or may be unavailable for long durations.
Rebooting to confirm that this resolves the problem is recommended.
This solution has been used on Debian Linux and Ubuntu Linux, and is expected to also be helpful for other Linux distributions and Unix flavours that are configured to use nftables for the primary firewall.